Your always-on, affordable & scalable injury prevention program - Safety Ally

 See how 1 company reduced ER send-outs! 

+ Ergonomics optimization
+ Visual injury assessments 
+ Ongoing wellness checks
+ Automated mobility training & education
+ Customizable analytics & reporting 

We've got your back and the backs of your team.

A case study: 

A Fortune 500 CPG manufacturer came to Healthy Roster to reduce the impact of worker send-outs to the ER for minor incidents. They averaged 2 to 3 send-outs every month.

On 2nd & 3rd shifts, with no other available choices, supervisors sent workers offsite for a medical consultation for aches, pains and strains. 

+ They needed to reduce their recordables
+ Cut their out the lost work time and days away
+ Stop claims which were raising insurance premiums

They set up our Safety Ally pilot and, in under 60 days:

+ They had 0 worker send-outs to the ERs and offsite clinics
+ 5-6 potential ER visits were eliminated
+ 0 lost work days and 0 recordables
+ Worker morale improved and productivity increased. They love it!

Injury Prevention Specialists for Industrial Companies 2


The Only Scalable, Always-on Workplace Injury Prevention Program

Not ready to fill out a form? That's okay! Take some time and wander around our site. We're available if you have any questions! 


Connect with Healthy Roster today:

"At the end of the day, I've got less call-ins, less sicknesses, less 'Hey, I'm sore because of this or that' issues. It's just promoted a better lifestyle. It's very good to see."

—Travis, Plant Manager

Safety Tips for the Workplace