How do Zero ER visits really happen?
Well, we've got a cool story for you:
A Fortune 500 manufacturer needed to reduce the workers making unnecessary ER trips for minor incidents:
- They averaged 3 walkouts to ER per month
- Costs per medically-reviewed injury: $42k per the NSC
- Includes wage losses, medical expenses, admin expenses & employer costs
- Over 60 days - with 3 ER visits a month - costs were $252k!
They came to Healthy Roster for a solution...
We set up their Virtual Injury Prevention pilot and after 60 days — they had 0 urgent care/ER employee walkouts, avoiding 6 potential visits.
Total 60-day expenses eliminated: $252,000
Injury Prevention is a net income generator… not an expense.
Wait! What is Virtual Injury Prevention?
Glad you asked! We are your First Line Filter for MSDs in the Workplace
MSDs — those aches, pains & sprains workers get — make up 69% of ALL work injuries... and they are PREVENTABLE!
Healthy Roster’s Virtual Injury Prevention service provides your employees with access to workplace athletic trainers — available 24x7 — to both prevent and triage workplace injuries.
We give them access to our telehealth platform, which includes our mobile app, kiosk and hotline.
- 24/7 Access to Live Athletic Trainers
- Triage Injuries Onsite
- Avoid Costly ER Visits
- Prevent MSDs
- Scheduled Follow-Ups to Extend Care
Most work injuries are MSDs. We are MSD experts. VIP is your filter against MSD claims. We use triage and prevention to reduce the number of employees needing to go through any nurse hotline or occupational health partner — which involve expensive claims.
Don’t worry about getting rid of any of your established services — simply insert us in front of them to save money.
"I've got less call-ins, less sicknesses, less 'Hey, I'm sore because of this or that' issues. It's just promoted a better lifestyle. It's very good to see. It's the definition of positive."
Travis, Plant Manager
Be the hero at your company! Let's talk today:
Quotes from supervisors & employees:
"The program is super-easy to use!"
"It's just a wonderful thing that you guys are doing this for us."
"A couple of candidates that I've hired? I think it was a selling point for them. Really wowed them!"
"I could barely walk before and I don't have that anymore."
"It's not simply just for sprains and strains, it's proper footwear, proper dietary advice, stretching advice and overall improvements of a healthier lifestyle"
"Every plant should have this. It's just amazing."