SAFER Screening

Introducing a Ready-to-Deploy Symptom Screening Platform for your students, faculty, and staff

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Protect your students, staff and faculty as they return to campus

Healthy Roster’s SAFER platform provides automated daily text and email screenings that immediately alert administrators when COVID-19 symptoms are detected to ensure you provide a safe environment for staff, faculty and students this fall. 

New policies and procedures are rapidly being developed as we all work to provide safety and security in the era of COVID-19.

SAFER helps you answer questions like: 

  • How do we make sure people don’t enter a building that might have COVID?
  • What do we do when someone might be showing symptoms?
  • What is the best way to connect the students with the health department?
  • How do we track trends and share reports to avoid an outbreak?

SAFER provides peace of mind for all students and staff as they return to campus knowing that proactive initiatives are in place to provide a SAFER campus.

With SAFER you maintain COVID-19 awareness and early symptom identification to avoid an outbreak through:

  • Automated screening and alerts to monitor the health of all students and staff.
  • Daily visual screening pass to create access controls to all facilities and events
  • Easy to use HIPAA compliant Telehealth to triage those with symptoms.
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