Demonstrate the Value of Healthy Roster to your Organization!  


Healthy Roster is an EMR platform built for ATs, saving tons of time and making your job easier.

But... asking for anything new can be hard! ADs & sports med leaders don't always sign-off, citing lack of budget, need, or perceived value.

Whether you're looking to upgrade your EMR now or in the future, you'll need to overcome these objections - and we can help! 


How can you get Healthy Roster?  

Athletic Trainers really like us. We make documenting easier, help with forms, let you chat securely, quickly update coaches and much more.

But we know you don't always make budget decisions. So you go without the leading EMR for ATs.

What can you do if you need your organization to approve our platform?

So watch this video to see ways to show the value of Healthy Roster 

Watch the video, then set up a time to talk to us!


Athletic Trainer EMR Software