Here's an amazing fact: 

Our CS team is made up entirely of Athletic Trainers! 

They onboard and support you, and that's important... because they've been where you are. They get it! 



Meet Your Customer Success ATs!

Meet Niki, Maggie & Lindsey! 

Niki Budd MS, LAT, ATC, Maggie Mancini LAT, ATC, and Lindsey Puent LAT, ATC were all USERS of Healthy Roster before they joined our squad! 

We asked them what it was like to use the Healthy Roster platform in the field: 

  • "I spent way less time documenting."
  • "It was great to document on-the-go. At anytime."
  • "I was able to log injuries and treatment more quickly!" 
  • "Our documentation was so much more consistent."  
  • "I could chat with coaches, parents, even athletes without using my own number! And I could update everyone all at once. Cut down on emailing!"  

Ready to switch to a sports med EHR that understands your needs and all that you're going through? 

You're invited to chat with us to learn more!


"With the expert guidance, quick thinking and response of employees like Niki Budd, how could I not recommend this EMR to any of my colleagues?"

—Todd Miller, OhioHealth Sports Medicine

Athletic Trainer EMR Software