This week's tip?

Scheduling Video Treatments

Watch this short video to learn more:

Scheduling Video Treatments from Healthy Roster

Did you know that you can schedule treatments from your treatments tab?

To do so, you just select Schedule Treatment. You can

also input the individual's email and send an invitation that way for their treatment.

This user does not need to have access to Healthy Roster.

At the same time, you can also go ahead and schedule it for a Video Visit, if you so choose — learn more now!

Tip of the Week_Nikki

Our Other Tips of the Week

Global Search

Did you know you can reach an athletes profile with the global search at the top to add an injury or incident report or treatment instead of going through the organization's tab? 

When you're on the web, the Global Search will save you time to reach an athlete profile and has less clicks!

When you use the organization tab, there are several clicks required to reach an athlete profile. But with the global search? It's just two! 

To do so, click the search engine at the top and type in the athlete name and use a quick action to reach any of these destinations.

Learn more about Global Search here.

Updating Expiration Dates from Summary Report

Did you know that you can save time by clicking the document summary report for a document type and updating expiration dates there?

Instead of going through the organization, the athlete profile, and the documents tab to update any expiration dates, you can go to the document summary report, filter by expiring documents, and select which athlete you need to update or update multiple at a time.

Asking Different Background Questions

Did you know that you can assign different background questions per organization?

Sometimes reports per organization need to tell a different story and you can customize this with your background questions.

To do so, click the Admin tab on the left navigation, select background questions, create your background questions, and then create a group for your organizations.

It's that easy. Learn more here

Using Actual Return Date to Track Days Missed

Did you know that if you enter an actual return date on an injury, you can use the injury log report to track the number of days missed for that injury?

Learn more about updating athlete profiles in helpdocs!

Marking Injuries as Long-Term or Status Unknown

When entering an injury you may notice the status that you can set of long-term injury or status unknown.

This option is best used if you're not sure if an athlete
is still going to be competing on the team or if they're injured for a long time and you don't want them on your active injuries list.

This won't change the status of the athletes injury, but it
will make it fall off of your athlete status list. Learn more on helpdocs!

Duplicating Treatments

Did you know that you can duplicate treatments through the app or the web version of version of Healthy Roster?

Sometimes you have the athlete that needs their ankle taped every single day and, instead of inputting that individually every day, you can duplicate the treatment.

On the web to do so click the three dots to the right and select Duplicate. On the app version swipe to the left and select Duplicate.

Learn more on helpdocs!

Ways to Mark a Follow-Up Service - Completed or Closed

When a follow-up service has been completed. There are two different ways. You can mark it completed or closed.
If you mark it as completed, it's still easy to access
in your Follow-up Services tab.

If you Market as closed, this would mean that you're done following that follow-up service. This still keeps the follow-up service in the athletes profile.

Setting Privacy Levels on Injuries

Did you know throughout Healthy Roster, you can set privacy levels on any location.

Specifically speaking on the injury - if you set the privacy level from the initial injury, that will set and dictate who can see what throughout your injury.

There are three options. First would be everyone that's assigned — the entire care circle.

Next, you can include the entire care circle or primary users and the providers. This means providers assigned as well as the users associated to that account.

Lastly would be providers ONLY. This would lock down the information specifically just to be viewed by providers assigned to this athlete.

Learn more about privacy levels! 

Editing Emergency Details on an Athlete's Profile

If you're looking to input emergency athlete details or medical information, we recommend doing so from the Athlete Details tab.

Here, you can input information that is calling out specifically your medical alerts, such as diabetes, asthma or alert allergies to bee stings.

Learn more about updating athlete profiles in helpdocs!

Sharing Injury Reports with Coaches

Did you know there are a few options for sharing a coach's report within Healthy Roster?

The first of which would be through the Reports tab. Here, you can separate your report down from organizations and teams.

This is a 24-hour delay. A more instantaneous option would be through the Active Injury report on the organization or team tab.

Here, your coaches can get an instantaneous view of athletes' status or updates and you can process your information much quicker to the coaches.

Learn more here!

Understanding PHI Sharing

When uploading an athlete profile, there's a box to share PHI.

If you have a consent to treat to share information with anyone under an athlete's care umbrella, you can click this box on athlete upload.

Learn more about PHI sharing here.